Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well... not yet. My friend Ken is selling a 1998 Jetta TDI!!! OMG A DIESEL ENGINE!!! YAAAA. He is selling it for $4k and it's in great shape and just had a ton of work done to it. Work as in maintenance stuff. The interior is decently clean, the exterior isn't a 10/10 but it's more like a 7 out of 10 I'd say. It's got it's small nicks and what not but not bad at all for a 10 year old car. Kind of weird that it's 10 years old and only a 1998. So..... I'm working with him on doing some sort of payment thing. I hope he'll do it and I just pay him like 2k up front or something.

My brother is coming to town. Woohoo. He will be here later tonight. It'll be good to see him again.

I started posting a ton of my parts on the VW forums. Hopefully that'll give me enough money to keep going and get that car.

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