Monday, January 28, 2008

It's Late

I'm the best procrastinator ever! Not really but tonight is pretty bad. I ended up playing WoW for way to long because one of my online friends asked me to play some arena. I knew I shouldn't have.

Tonight I can hopefully get some of dad's website work done for his band's website. I also need to get some homework done. At least like 15-20 problems or something.

Car problems though haven't been solved yet. I ordered the starter for the bus and it should be coming in soon. I've been able to use my dad's 4Runner for the time being thank god. I'm hoping the starter comes in by Tuesday or Wednesday so that I have a car to drive to work. I'm not sure how hard it is to put into there but we shall see. It looks like it is pretty easy to do.

Friday, January 25, 2008

I Frigging Quit

Got my car fixed or so I thought. After about twenty hours of work replacing the head gasket I took it for a spin and it blew up even more. There was a fire because oil got on the exhaust manifold and now it runs really badly. So... the motor is gone and needs a 1k-1.5k dollar rebuild. I don't have that kind of money so my car is out of commission for the time being. :( It makes me sad. I've been down for the past 2-3 days now because of it.

Hopefully this next week I can get the bus working and i'll be good to go with transportation. I'm also really screwed on money which is bad. I haven't quiet done all I could do with my T-Shirt stuff but I should be good this month. Once next month rolls around we will see how I do. Hopefully I will push through this depression and get off my lazy ass.

Between my car hating me and me not being able to find a girlfriend for the past 2-3 years I've been pretty down lately. There's gotta be something wrong with me but nobody tells me.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Car Work

Last night I started working on the car. :p I made a short video that you can find at the bottom of the page.

I also have some new images in my Flickr account if you wish to look at those. Here's one of my block. It looks pretty good. Hopefully I'll have it all put back together by the end of tonight. :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Car Problems Made Me Super Sad

So. I'm not really sure what the hell is wrong with my car. Right now it's smoking fromt he crank case breather and sometimes out of the tail pipe if it is revved. It sucks hardcore. So my car is being really stupid. It could be a piston ring or it could be a headgasket. I'm hoping it's a headgasket as I already have the stuff to fix that. I really hope that is the problem and then my car will be fixed. :)

I should be getting a new phone soon and hopefully upping the plan so that I have unlimited text messaging. That would be awesome. Not only will my phone fully work but it will also last a while without having to charge it and it'll be good for texting. Wewt. I am thinking about getting the LG ENV. :)


I don't know if weightlessness is even a word but.... I have almost gained back all my weight that I lost in October. Good job to me on eating tons of food. So now I am back to eating not so big of portions and trying to eat more healthy. Hopefully I can get down to the 180's this time.

Online dating sites don't work at all. I now declare them useless. I've been trying to find somebody for a long time now on those sites and probably messaged 30+ ladies, none of which replied. I'm starting to wonder why I'm not getting any replies. I've heard of two of my friends that went out on multiple dates from guys that messaged them. Maybe I should take all of the pics off. I dunno.

Well. Gotta get to work. Taking the aspergers kids to a zoo internship today. :p

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


After much drinking yesterday night and talking with the fatherly figure I feel better. It still sucks but whatever. For some reason I feel lifeless today and not really motivated to do anything and I have to go to work in like... 30 minutes. Ew.

I got up today and watched one of the best movies ever, Short Circuit. YEAH! 1986 FTW. Just got done getting Short Circuit 2 which I'm going to watch when I get back from work tonight. Movies make me feel better, although I am really happy that my car is working fine now and hauling ass.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Girls Suck

Well. I know I shouldn't really be sad about this but the younger lady that I was getting friends with benefits found a boyfriend already. The benefits only last one day. It sucks. So now I'm depressed. I don't think I'm ever going to find a significant other. I know that's just the depression speaking at the current moment but I've been single for 2+ years now and it's really getting to me. I'm drinking right now because I thought it might be a good idea. I'm going to watch a chick flick later on tonight. It's what I do.

So yeah. I don't know what to do. I can't even get anything from a god damn 17 year old, none the less somebody my age. I'm a sad sad individual. I guess I'm just not dating/relationship material. She said she didn't want to go out with me because she didn't want a relationship right now but now she's going out with that guy. So what a load of bullshit that was. It just means that I'm not good enough right? It seems that I'm not good enough for a lot of ladies. I seriously think I need to be an asshole in order to get chicks to like me. It has never failed with the assholes so far. I lose at life.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Benefits Rox

Christmas is over and now it's the New Years. So far so good if I do say so myself. Right now I'm at a friends house. I had a party yesterday night and I decided to stay on my day off to hang out with my friend Alan and his girlfriend Rel. They are awesome. We went out to see enchanted which was a good movie but some how I fell asleep. It kind of sucks. We went to Chilis afterwards.

I am taking Calc 2 this semester at BCC still and I am going to be working about 30-35 hours a week. It's going to be kind of insane. Hopefully things will go alright though and I will get through Calc 2 and get done with Calc 3 and continue on my goal to get through the Computer Science degree. We shall see.

My car is fixed as of yesterday. I got the two motor mounts replaced.... well... front one replaced and rebuilt the tranny mount with the poly inserts that were sent to me. Also put in a new used battery and it sucks so I gotta go and buy a new battery still. Oh well. No biggy. I think I am going to build up the bus soon for a daily driver. I have been doing a lot of research on cheap but good builds and I think I finally came down to a conclusion for what I wanted. It should be decently fast. I don't think I'm going to get around to building it though for a long time though because I have a lot of debt that I need to pay off and there are other things that need to be done to the bus first before I get done with the engine.

I haven't done much more stuff with the shirts except I did look up a decent amount of silk screne companies that I am going to use to run off my next set of shirts. It looks like I can get the cost down to about 5 dollars per shirt and if I charge about..... 13 bucks per shirt I can make about 8 bucks profit which is a pretty good amount of money per shirt. If I can sell like, 10 shirts a week then I am set with money. It'd be awesome. I plan on selling a lot of shirts at the VW shows too. There are about 2 every month and if I go to all of them here in Florida I should be doing pretty good.

Don't know if I ever made a post about the young person that I have been sort of seeing. I know I made one post about her a while ago but.... two days ago we talked and we are officially friends with benefits. We made out the other night which is cool. I'm glad we talked about it. I don't know if I'd want to be in a relationship with a 17 year old. That's kind of weird. It is legal though in Florida as long as I am under the age of 24. So I'm safe there. It should turn out for the better though. At least I hope it does.